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The earth tilts to 23.5 degrees, resulting in four seasons.

It’s an angle of life.

Human try to maintain an angle of thought that is neither big nor small.


지구는 23.5도 기울어져 있어 사계절이 생긴다.

생명의 각도이다.

인간도 크지도 않고 작지도 않는 사유의 각도로 유지하려 한다.

I express a relationship that permeates, spreads, and evaporates through an individual's life.

"permeate“ was born.

"Spread" is the flow of life.

"Evaporate" is death.


나는 개인의 삶을 통해 스며들고 번지고 증발하는 관계를 표현한다.

"스미다"는 탄생이고

"번지다" 는 인생의 흐름이고

"증발하다" 는 죽음이다.


Through the traces left after smearing, spreading, evaporating, I question the essence of human beings and the meaning of human existence in the flow of memories, human-human relations, human-object relations, and human-nature relations.


What is a human

Who am I?

Traces of the weight of life leave traces of smearing.

23.5  degree thought (the inclination of the earth )

40 degree thought

50 degree thought


Depending on the strength of the wind, the angle of thought is

different. Likewise, the weight of life is different.


In the process of human formation, the lines holding water

leave traces of smearing.

Contact and collision with beings floating in space


headed downward by the gravity of life.


I do not know whether human nature is inherently good or evil.


Depending on the intensity, direction, and distance of natural light and lighting, the density of shadows varies.

The color of permeated thoughts exists in the flow of relationships.

Using the torso, which is the center of the body, and the head that thinks and judges, I create the human figure contemplating life as I draw lines and apply color on Korean paper. The paint permeates and spreads across the Korean paper, leaving traces of the movement. The lines are the body, and the traces of spreading are the traces of the spirit, that is, pain and suffering.


Through this process of work, I contemplate the discomfort and conflict of human relationships, anxiety, nervousness, worry, hesitation, and wandering experienced by humans. As the materiality of paint is applied to the form, it becomes a material that seeks the meaning of human existence.

I ask myself and others about the meaning of human existence.

My work is about weighing the heaviness and lightness of human existence thrown into the world, asking questions and thinking about the human figure that exists between being and nothingness, the curve of human thinking about life in agony.

스며든 사유의 색채는 관계의 흐름 속에서 존재한다.

신체의 중심인 몸통과 생각하고 판단하는 머리를 활용하여 삶에 대해 고민하는 인간의 형상을

그린다. 한지에 선과 색채를 그린다. 물감이 한지에 스미고 번지는 성질과 번짐의 흔적을 남긴다.

선은 신체이고 번짐의 흔적은 정신 즉 고통, 통증의 흔적이다.


이를 통해 인간관계의 불편함, 갈등, 인간이 겪는 불안한 감정, 초조감, 근심, 고민, 망설임,

방황을 사유한다. 물감의 질료성이 형상에 가해짐에 따라 인간존재의 의미를 찾는 물질이 된다.

인간 존재의 의미를 나와 타자에게 묻는다.

세상에 던져진 인간의 존재의 무거움과 가벼움을 저울질 하는 것, 삶에 대한 고뇌하는 인간의 사유하는 곡선, 존재와 허무 사이에 존재하는 인간의 모습에 대한 질문을 던지고 사유한다.

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